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WingsOfun.com BLOG #68: December 2, 2014
I wanted to give a shout-out to the LHZ Pilots Association (LHZPA, http://lhzpa.org) in light of last week’s interview with Steve Merritt, airport manager. This week’s article is dedicated to a great document titled, “Triangle Executive North Safety Guidelines” that was created by all of the major stakeholders at LHZ, including Steve and the LHZPA.
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After publishing the complete interview of Steve Merritt, Triangle Executive North (KLHZ – Louisburg, North Carolina, USA), Airport Manager, a member of the LHZ Pilots Association (LHZPA) told me about a document recently authored titled, “Triangle Executive North Safety Guidelines.”* From what I understand from the pilots association representative, Steve worked with LHZPA, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) glider operations, a Rotorcraft flight training school and a parachute jump school to outline the special operations that happen at LHZ. As mentioned in the interview, the diverse amount of operations that happens at LHZ works because there are Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations to back them up. This brings up the question, Why have a document that reiterates flight operations covered by regulations? The answer is in the effect that such a document has on creating a positive safety culture.
A safety document shows commitment of the airport to work with various types of aircraft operators. In a world where corporate aircraft tend to grab the majority of a Fixed Based Operators (FBO) attention, it speaks volumes to area pilots that the airport appreciates their business and has put resources into enhancing the safety of the airport.
Creating safety guidelines is a great way to review regulations. Such guidelines are not re-inventing the wheel but simply a way to thoughtfully review the regulations applicable to the airport. For example, one of the major topics at any non-towered airport is the “right-of-way” rules. A fixed-wing pilot will typically remember how right-of-way affects them but not necessarily the rules for helicopter and/or parachute jumping. Reviewing applicable regulations increases pilot safety.
As situations arise, communicating with the stakeholders at the airport is easier and more efficient due to the ground-work that has been established. For example, a call is received by the airport manager regarding a noise complaint by a local Home Owners Association (HOA). Before permanent information can be distributed for noise abatement, previously established connections with local pilots can bring quicker response to a noise complaint issue.
While occasional visitors might not easily find such a document the majority of pilots will stay “in the loop” regarding the latest operational considerations. In the modern world it can be easy for airport stakeholders to hold each other at arms-length for power and position. I salute airports like Triangle Executive North (KLHZ) and its stakeholders for coming together in the name of safety.
About the author:TC Freeman has been flying since he was a teenager and is now an aviation speaker and author. Being employed as an Aviation Safety Specialist for state government, he has a passion for spreading the thrill of flying just for the fun of it via the website, www.WingsOfun.com.
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